Thursday, March 26, 2009

It's only Thursday!!!

Didn't go to church last night. Meet George, Jeremy and Melanie at Waffle House for dinner. Boy! Can that Jeremy pack the food away. :)

Went home and just picked up and put away for a while. Felt good to get some things done. Need to get my laundry done but not enough laundry soap. Got to get to the store!

I did finally pick up Paula Vaughn's Love Letters print. I won it at a Pal's Convention many years ago. It's signed by her as well. I decided I'd hang it over the Love Note that George wrote to me about 2 1/2 years ago.

George had gone out to the flower garden and bought in a couple of flowers nad put them in a bowl. A day or two later I got up on a Saturday morning early to go to the bathroom and noticed there was the bowl with more flowers in it as well as a piece of paper with something written on it. I discovered he had gotten up earlier than I had and had written a beautiful note to me. Made me just cry. I decided I'd take it and have it framed. So there's what the two of them look like.

I'm waiting on the weekend. Have BBQ chicken tickets for Saturday, Melanie, Jeremy and Brien will be gone. They're headed to Michael's for a get together!!

That's all for today!

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